City News Beat is a local company based out of LAUNCH in Chapel Hill, NC and provides an opportunity for those who do not have cable to remain up to date with the local news and remain connected to their community. They encompass a wide range of content from interviews with local businesses to highlights of college sports. City News Beat is looking to connect to the untethered movement of “cable cord cutters” by providing a platform where users can define their experiences.

Our team is helping City News Beat to create a more personalized experience by creating an algorithm that will successfully predict and recommend videos to users based on their interactions with previous videos.  Interactions such as skipping a video and selecting a video will be tracked along with details about each video such as category, sub category, and total minutes. These interactions allow the model to predict how many minutes a user will watch a selected video and will run through every video in the playlist. 

This model will allow City News Beat to connect more with its users and allow them to create a more personal experience and focusing on the news content they enjoy within the application. This model will also be beneficial for the leaders at City News Beat, who will be able to track what content is overall enjoyed or disliked by the users.