
  • GroupMe will be the mode of communication for our internal group affairs and our Team Email will be used for any external communication, such as with a client or other interested parties.
  • Members are expected to check the GroupMe and Email(s) daily and respond as quickly and accurately to those messages as possible.
  • All team members should show up promptly to team and client meetings. If a member is to be late to a team or client meeting, there should be an at least 24 hour advance notice of this (unless there is an immediate emergency).
  • Any team members who feel that they will not be able to achieve a goal in a certain time frame should communicate this with the tech lead and project manager ASAP.


  • Each member will have their own development branch in the public GitHub repository
  • Every commit should be tested by the member who coded it to ensure that newly added code does not break functionality.
  • All team members will review and give input on a potential merges to the master branch.
  • Following from the last point, before merging your branch to the master branch, ensure that you have pulled the most recent changes from the master branch.
  • Follow language-specific best practices, which include naming conventions, proper commenting, concise and clear code, etc.