Tweet: City News Beat is redefining local news by using A.I. to create a custom user experience, where users get the news that they want to hear without the hassle of aimless ad content.

The general concept behind our project is to create a custom experience for the user who is using the City News Beat app. The user base not only wants to use the app to see unbiased local news stories but they also want ads that are targeted towards their interests. The business outcome of this is longer user retention on the app, which is currently at around 16 minutes. The way this could be achieved is through the implementation of an A.I. In practice, this A.I. engine should be able to read from different data sources, such as questions that users are prompted when the app loads or Third-party data from large resellers, to create a unique set of interests for each user device (which are delimited by a device ID, either Roku or Fire TV). It should be able to then match those interests with the appropriate content and deliver it to the user.

Project Concept – CityNewsBeat